If you've found your way here, you may already know that my name is Bill and I enjoy writing songs about God. If you did not know that, well now you do. I hope to be faithful with the songs I write. I'm not sure I know how to do that, but I think this website is a start. It contains the lyrics, chord charts, mp3's, even the stories behind the songs. And it is all free to you. So look around. Enjoy. And thanks for stopping by.
download chord chart // download mp3 (verse 1) For Your glory the stars and heavens shine through eternity With beauty that no eyes on this earth will ever see They shine only for You They shine only for You
(verse 2) For Your glory the oceans roar and the waves break against the sand At night when no ears can hear, still the seas clap their hands They roar only for You They roar only for You
(verse 3) For Your glory all heavenly hosts forever sing Your praise Their breath never wanes and their eyes never stray from Your face They sing only for You They sing only for You
(verse 4) For Your glory we bow face down astonished and amazed No one is like You God, nothing else brings us to our knees We bow only for You We bow only for You -------------------------------------------------------
There was a cover story in TIME Magazine a few years ago which chronicled the discovery of a new galaxy, a galaxy named Abell 1835 IR1916. It is the furthest object in the universe to be photographed from our planet. Abell 1835 IR1916 13.23 billion light-years away. 13.23 billion light-years! (A light-year is roughly 6 billion miles).
In 2004, when this was released, it was big news. And this TIME Magazine article was all about how far man had come; how advanced our technology was; how science had continued to go further and further and further and now we could take picture of stuff 13.23 billion light-years away. The article was about how great mankind was because we took a picture of the Abell galaxy; it was about how great mankind was...because we took a picture.
We didn’t create it. We didn't dream it up. We didn’t pick out the colors. We didn't paint them in the sky. We didn’t decide to place it 13.23 billion light-years away. All we did was take its picture. And I can’t help but wonder if while we were down here patting ourselves on the back, congratulating ourselves on how far we’d come, if God wasn’t up there going, “Uh guys…you should see what’s 13.23 billion light-years beyond that. And what’s 13.23 billion light-years beyond that. Cause there are things hanging out there, right now, in space that would blow your minds; things your telescopes won’t ever reach, but they’re there and they are breath-taking.”
There are stars hanging out in the universe that our eyes won't ever see. There are creatures at the bottom of the ocean, and deep in the middle of rain forests, that we may never discover. But they are there. And they are reflecting the glory of God to God.
We often think of nature as God's gift to us, and it is. But it is also God's gift to Himself. His enjoyment and His pleasure are, first and foremost, the purpose of the beauty surrounding us in the world in which we live.